WOD - Tue, Apr 16

WOD - Tue, Apr 16
Skill Work

10:00 practice

Fitness-handstand pushups

QF"s-handstand walks

Fitness (Time)

On a Running Clock

AMRAP - Unbroken handstand pushups or Unbroken box pike handstand pushups

Rest 1:00

2 rounds

30 abmat situps

10 box jump overs with step downs

Rest 1:00

3 wall walks

16 push press 95/65

Rest 2:00

3 CJ singles at 75-80%

QF (Time)

On a Running Clock

AMRAP - Unbroken strict handstand pushups (max 10 OR 4 AFAP)

Rest 1:00

2 rounds

15 GHD situps

10 box jump overs with step downs

Rest 1:00

5 wall walks

6-16 unbroken kipping handstand pushups

Rest 2:00

3 CJ singles at 75-80%

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