WOD - Mon, Apr 22

WOD - Mon, Apr 22
Row Row Row Your Boat (Checkmark)

Team of 2

5K row

*split the work as you want but every time you switch, the partner who has been resting must first complete the following before getting back on the rower:

3 front squats + 3 shoulder to overhead. Barbell must come from the floor. Start with the empty barbell and add weight every time you come off the rower. Do not get higher than the starting weight for your CJ ladder starting weight.

Quarterfinals 24.4 (AMRAP - Reps)

Clean and Jerk Ladder

10:00 cap

10 Clean and Jerks 135/85

Rest 1:00

10 Clean and Jerks 185/125

Rest 1:00

10 Clean and Jerks 225/155

Rest 1:00

max reps CJ in remaining time 245/165




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