WOD - Wed, Sep 27

WOD - Wed, Sep 27


EMOM x 9

Drillin It

a) kipping hspu leg pattern trace x :30

b) top to bottom hspu kips x 20

c) hspu with abmats x 12

Killin It

a) pike rebalance drill x :30

b) freestanding hs hold x :30

c) wall walk to wall facing hold (:05) x 2


EMOM x 10

a) snatch

b) 3-5 hspu at your scaled option +1 level harder

Set 1 1 x 3 @ 40%

Set 2 1 x 3 @ 50%

Set 3 1 x 3 @ 60%

Set 4 1 x 3 @ 70%

Set 5 1 x 3 @ 70%

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