WOD - Wed, Sep 20
WOD - Wed, Sep 20
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
3 rounds
10 burpees
20 situps
10/7 cal row
Rest :90 between rounds
pick up where you left off
3 rounds
10 burpees
20 situps
10/7 cal row
Rest :90 between rounds
pick up where you left off
Handstand Pushups
EMOM x 9
Drillin It
a) tripod headstand 3 x :30
b) tripod alt sl ext 3 x 12
c) tripod dual leg ext 3 x 12
Killin It
a) handstand hold 3 x :30
b) hspu negatives 3 x 5
c) strict hspu 3 x max with mats if needed