WOD - Wed, Sep 13

WOD - Wed, Sep 13

Double Unders

EMOM x 6

a) out/ins x 20

b) fwd/bwd x 20

c) side to sides x 40 total

d) speed steps x 40 total

e) 360 degree single unders 1 each direction

Squat Clean and Jerk
The Clean and Jerk

EMOM x 12

a) CJ

b) 30-50 dubs/single unders

round 1 3@ 30%

round 2 3 @ 40%

round 3 3 @ 50%

round 4-6 3 @ 60%


2 rounds

40m bear crawl

15 hang power cleans 75/55

20 wall balls 20#/14#

Rx+ 95/65

Scale 55/45

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