WOD - Wed, Nov 15

WOD - Wed, Nov 15
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)


200m run

4 devil"s press 50"s/35"s

6 box jumps 24"/20"

8 kettlebell swings 53#/35#

10 cals row

12 DB snatch 50#/35#

14 situps

Rest 5:00


14 situps

12 DB snatch 50#/35#

10 cals row

8 kettlebell swings 53#/35#

6 box jumps 24"/20"

4 devil"s press 50"s/35"s

200m run

This workout has 2 15:00 amraps separated by 5:00 of rest. The second amrap is in reverse order of the first. This workout is to be completed in the “12 Days of Christmas” fashion. If you are not familiar with it the rep scheme will go as follows:

200m run

4 devils press

200m run

6 box jumps

4 devils press

200m run

8 kbs

6 bj

4 dv

200m run


For the second amrap, the rep scheme goes as follows:

14 situps

12 db snatch

14 situps

10 cal row

12 db snatch

14 situps

8 kbs

10 cal row

12 db snatch

14 situps


Scale-if you cannot run, complete 10 burpees in place of the 200m run.

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