WOD - Tue, Oct 17

WOD - Tue, Oct 17
Squat Clean and Jerk
The Clean and Jerk

Every 3:00 x 6

1 x 3 55%

1 x 3 65%

1 x 3 75%

1 x 3 85%

1 x 3 85%

1 x 3 85%


Toes to Bar

"Drillin It/Killin It"

EMOM x 5

5 hanging knee raises/5 arch/hollow + straight arm press

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM x 10

a) 6 toes to bar

b) 4 unbroken clusters

*start with an empty bar 45#/35#/15#

*every round add appropriate weight so you can continue to do the set unbroken

*record your final weight

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