WOD - Tue, Mar 19

WOD - Tue, Mar 19

4 rounds alternating

10 DB bench press 50"s/35"s

3 weighted strict pullups


DB bench press 35"s/20"s

3 banded strict pullups with :05 hold at top

Fitness Option (Time)

4 rounds

250m row

40 double unders

6 low bar jumping muscle up

6 handstand pushups


3 rounds

250m row

40 single unders

6 banded lat pressdowns + 6 box dips

6 pike handstand pushups

Quarterfinals Option (Time)

4 rounds

250m row

20 crossover single unders

3 bar muscle ups

3 wall facing handstand pushups


6 chest to bar pullups

3 strict handstand pushups

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