WOD - Sat, May 6
WOD - Sat, May 6
Saturday Chaos (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
Team of 2
Buy in 100 cals Bike
10 Deadlifts 135/95
8 Toes 2 Bar
6 HangCleans 135/95
4 Chest 2 Bar
2 Wallwalks
*alt movements
Overhead Squat Work (Checkmark)
Group 1) Not Great -
Shoulders + T-Spine - Barbell Child's Pose + Arm Lifts
Hips + L-Spine - Active Goblet Bottom of Squat Hold - accumulate 1:00 min
Ankles + Knees + Hips - Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (Assisted or BW)
Heel Elevated Squat w/ Rig Support
Top of OH Squat Position Hold w/ PVC
Group 2) Good at OHS -
PVC BN Snatch Grip Sotts Press
4 x 4 of Wobbly OH Squat
4 x 4 ascending of OH Squat with 3 sec Eccentric
Note weights in the comments
Rope Climb Skill Work (Checkmark)
Learn 3 locks; practice 3 locks.
Running (Pose) Drills (Checkmark)
- 3x50m - A skip - (High knees with skip)
- Body starts in pose position. Maintain slight forward lean, 90 degree angle with ankle, knee, hip, elbow.
- Stay over top of center mass and drive foot into ground
- Example - at 1:00 in video
- 3x50m - B skip - (A skip with extended leg)
- Same position and rules as A skip
- As drive knee up like in A skip, going to extend that leg out, then drive the foot down to the ground
- Example at 2:32 in video
- 3x50m - half moon 1-2-3 cycle
- Take 3 hop/steps into a B skip
- Ensure that the cycle foot lands under hips, once that foot strikes the ground bring it up quickly, thus creating the half moon shape
- Example at 3:33 in video
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0JjbMMTOmw
- These drills are meant to be slow and controlled, not to be rushed.
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