WOD - Sat, Jul 8

WOD - Sat, Jul 8
Saturday Chaos (No Measure)

Team of 2

EMOM (42)

A) 10/8 cals Bike

B) 6 Alt Squat Clean Thruster 50/35

A) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20

B) 8 Alt Devils Press 50/35

A) 14/10 Cals Row

B) 12 Goblet hold Lunges 50/35

A) 3 Wall walks

* EMOM style 1 min to complete and Alt


Skills & Drills

RING DIPS SKILL WORK: Perform 3x per week

(Find the "Athlete Group, A/B/C" you fall into based on how many strict Ring Dips you are able to perform)

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