WOD - Sat, Jul 15
WOD - Sat, Jul 15
Saturday Chaos (Time)
Skills & Drills
RING DIPS SKILL WORK: Perform 3x per week
(Find the "Athlete Group, A/B/C" you fall into based on how many strict Ring Dips you are able to perform)
RING DIPS SKILL WORK: Perform 3x per week
(Find the "Athlete Group, A/B/C" you fall into based on how many strict Ring Dips you are able to perform)
Team of 2
For Time
1000m Row
100 Push ups
200 Sit ups
300 Air Squats
1000m Row
Rx+ Def push ups, weighted Sit upsGHD, Goblet Squat 53/35KB
* Split reps, Must Complete in order