WOD - Mon, Mar 18

WOD - Mon, Mar 18

Power Clean

5-4-3-2-1 (AFAP)

Rest :90 between sets.

Start at 75% Power Clean 1RM and add 5-10# every round.

Fitness Option (No Measure)

EMOM x 15

a) 10 weighted abmat situp 25#/15#

b) 8 front squats 95#/65# (off the rig)

c) 10 toes to pole

d) 8 box jumps 30"/24"

e) Rest


10 abmat situps

8 front squat 65#/35#

8 box jumps 24"/20" or 20"/16"

Quarterfinals Option (No Measure)

EMOM x 15

a) 12 GHD situps

b) 6 front squats 135#/95# (off the floor)

c) 8 V-ups

d) 6 burpee box jump overs 24"/20"

e) Rest


6 front squats 95#/65#

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