WOD - Mon, Feb 12
WOD - Mon, Feb 12
Back Squat
1 rep @ 75%
Rest :30
2 reps @ 75%
Rest :30
3 reps @ 75%
*continue until you cannot complete the reps unbroken without pausing
Rest 3:00
repeat starting again at 1 rep
Score is highest number of reps completed in your final set.
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10/8 cal row
1 wall walk
10/8 cal row
2 wall walk
10/8 cal row
3 wall walk
*continue increasing wall walks until time expires
Inchworm with pushup
EMOM x 6
a) :40 single leg wall sit (alt as needed)
b) 3 depth drop and stick 20"/18"
Scale 18"/12"