WOD - Fri, Jul 21

WOD - Fri, Jul 21
Summer Series 23.3 (No Measure)
Summer Series 23.3 (AMRAP - Reps)

With a 23 minute cap:

50 Snatches, wt 1
50 Hanging Knee Raises
50 Single Unders

40 Snatches, wt 2
40 Jumping Pull-Ups
40 Cross Over

30 Snatches, wt 3
30 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders

20 Snatches, wt 4
20 Pull-Ups
20 Triple Unders

Wts are listed on the board.

Athletes must change their own plates.
Snatches go from below the knee (don"t need to touch the ground, but can) to fully locked out over head.

Counting cross-overs: starts on the first successful cross-over, then each un-cross is a rep too. Basically, every jump (whether crossing or uncrossing) counts as 1.

For those of us who don"t finish in 23 minutes, your score is the number of reps completed.

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