WOD - Mon, Aug 12

WOD - Mon, Aug 12
Chicken Fight (Time)

At 3-2-1, both athletes may begin their deadlifts. The deadlifts must be synchronized. Both athletes must be standing tall at full extension before beginning your descent . Once the deadlifts are completed, Partner A will begin wall walks. You may break the wall walks up as you want to. However, Partner B must stand fully extended at the top of a deadlift while holding on to the the barbell while Partner A does wall walks. You cannot begin your wall walk until your partner is standing at the top of the deadlift. You will continue through the couplet until you have completed 9 wall walks. At that time will move right into the second couplet.

Power clean and jerks are to be synchronized and the kipping handstand pushups/dual DB shoulder press can be split up as you want. The partner not doing the hspu or SP, must hold the barbell in an overhead hold while the other athlete is working.

For Time (30:00 cap)

21 deadlifts 185/115

21 wall walks

15 deadlifts 185/115

15 wall walks

9 deadlifts 185/115

9 wall walks

21 power clean and jerks 115/85

21 kipping hspu

15 power clean and jerks 115/85

15 kipping hspu

9 power clean and jerks 115/85

9 kipping hspu


deadlifts 115/85

pike walk outs

power clean and jerks 75/55

seated dual DB shoulder press

Super Summer Sizzler 2024

Workout #3

-courtesy of Training Think Tank

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